Seasoning began as an exploratory recording project and creative safe haven for Buckle through his early adult years alongside his time engineering, producing and performing with other musical acts including Donny Love, The Delicates and The Ottomans.
The upcoming self-titled Seasoning EP is the culmination of the first period in the project’s history and is the result of three years’ work in finding his own voice and sound, dubbed hydro-pop.
The four-piece live embodiment of Seasoning consists of Annie Kz (Bass), Tom Jones (Drums) and Sam Webb (Guitar) and the band are set to make their festival debut at Yonder2021.
They have played venues including Felons, Miami Marketta, Greaser, Burleigh Bazaar, and O’Skulligan’s. Live video here of Seasoning performing upcoming singles ‘Loop Song’ and ‘Friends’ at the Holiday Maker launch show in late 2020.